On Monday, we took a gander up to Tahoe, hiking on a trail to Big Meadows, where Lennon & I hiked & ate a picnic on our anniversary. It is a relatively short, easy hike, and Lydia hiked the whole way in!
Twas a beautiful day for a hike, a wander through the meadow, and a snack on the log. (However, a carpenter ant bit Lydia on the wrist; I didn't know ants bit. I know now.)
After a 15-20 minutes of snacking & Lydia running in the grass, we decided to take a few family photos before the kids got cranky. Good thing we did, because after the photos, we thought we heard an airplane in the sky; a split second after we heard the "plane", I said "Was that thunder???" It was. A major storm system just blew up out of nowhere, and we were the tallest things in this huge meadow. Let's just say, that we packed up our kids & stuff in less than a minute, and high-tailed it across Big Meadow in less than 10 minutes. Maneuvering our way down the trail, through the trees, we made it to the car just as the first huge raindrops began falling. Whew, what an adventure!