Today marked the 1-year anniversary of Jackson's birth. (Alot has happened within this past year!) We celebrated with burgers & fries for lunch, followed by opening of presents. Jackson was more interested in holding the gifts, and less interested in ripping off the wrapping paper. (Totally different from Lydia.) Lastly, we finished off by singing "Happy Birthday" to Jackson while he played the birthday candle & the icing on his cupcake. A fun 1st birthday!
He's so cute! Getting so big too. I feel like it's been forever since we've seen him (and it has!). You've done a great job with him this last year, Diana. May God give you all the grace you need for this year as you parent him!
I'm a wife, mommy of 2, part-time supervisor at Dream Dinners, and CEO of my home.
I love to scrap, cook, organize & drink lots of coffee. I'm learning how to sew.
The love-of-my-life roasts coffee beans for Starbucks.
My little girl is in preschool and loves to help me cook, do crafts, and help with her baby brother.
My little boy is chunking up. He loves to makes noises, blow smackable kisses, and climb on everything.
So that's us: living our life, loving each other, and sipping coffee together (just the adults though)!
He's so cute! Getting so big too. I feel like it's been forever since we've seen him (and it has!). You've done a great job with him this last year, Diana. May God give you all the grace you need for this year as you parent him!
He's gotten so BIG!!! wow! what a cutie! :)
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