Thursday, November 12, 2009

Autumn Party 2009

For this year's Autumn Party, Lydia dressed up as a princess, while Jackson was a chubby, little lion cub. Since it was past his bedtime, Jackson was a cranky lion cub, but Lydia the Princess had a wonderful time playing games and winning prizes & candy.
Also, in honor of Nevada Day (which also fell on Halloween weekend), all of Lydia's preschool dressed up as cowboys & cowgirls. Since we have NO cowboy stuff, we pulled some things together & transformed Lydia into a hippie-type cowgirl.

1 comment:

Mel said...

Cute pictures. We didn't have any dressing up this year since JM and Marcia moved on the 31st. I do have a really cute pink leopard suit that I put on Eden!