Friday, October 31, 2008

"Help! I need help."

A few nights ago, we set up the kids' bedroom, complete with Jackson' crib, Lydia's lofted bunkbed (with toys underneath) and stuffed animals arranged on the window sill.
Before bedtime, Lennon taught Lydia how to safely climb up the ladder into bed. Though we also taught her how to carefully climb down the ladder, we were still concerned about her climbing down without parental help. So, we instructed her to call us if she wanted to get down.
A little while after we tucked her into bed, we hear this little voice calling, "Help! I need help."
Worried that Lydia had fallen out of bed, we both rushed into the kids' bedroom, and found Lydia clinging to her ladder, crying for our help. While comforting Lydia, Lennon nudged me to look at the windowsill, now devoid of stuffed animals.
It seems that Lydia climbed down the ladder, scooped up a stuffed animal or two, climbed back up the ladder, deposited the animals in her bed. By the time she placed all of her 25+ animals in her bed, she was too tired to finish climbing the ladder to get into bed. Thus the call of "Help! I need help."
I guess she can climb up and down the ladder all by herself.


Mel said...

That's SO funny!

The McDonald's said...

aww that's great!!! ha ha