So, what's new with us?
Jackson is now rolling over, though only in one direction. He rolls across the living room floor, getting stuck under a chair or next to a box. After hearing his distressed cries for help, I turn him around so he can roll the other way across the floor, before getting stuck again!
Jax is also cutting two teeth - the bottom front two. One is beginning to poke through; the other is just visible below the gum.
Lydia is enjoying being Mommy's big helper - she gets a clean diaper & wipes when I am changing the baby; she loves to get Jackson some toys (even though she takes them back to play with herself). She and I even made pumpkin bread and chocolate-peanut-butter-chip cookies the other day, and she helped make the batter, and 'helped' me clean up, by washing the beaters with her tongue. Too cute!
We found a church home - Freedom Vineyard Church at the Warehouse, about 10 minute drive from our apt. The church (also just known as The Warehouse) seems to support the "Out of the Box, Into our World" kind of thinking, which is what has been on our heart as of late. (I'll write more about that another time.) Lydia loves Veggie Patch - the kids program featuring VeggieTales. Through class, she has made a good friend, named Isaac (who is 4 yrs. old) and his sister, Emery (who is 18 mos. old). We also have become friends with their parents, and have hung out together with them several times - once, we played Settlers together!
It is starting to feel like home in our apt. The only places that we still have boxes are in the 2 bedroom closets. There are pictures on the walls. Though we could use some new ones of people (HINT, HINT!). However, in regards to people & friends, it still doesn't feel like home. We miss family and friends. People here are nice, but we haven't found them to be terribly outgoing or welcoming - neither in our apt. complex or at church. That's kinda hard, since we only have so much energy (after moving, getting settled, working & raising 2 kids) to take the 1st few steps to 'break into' a group of people & get to know them. I think we will be hosting an open house in November and one in December, inviting all of our neighbors in our building to drop in and get to know us (and each other). I just wish some people would reach out a bit more ...
To everyone 'back home', know that we love and miss you. And we love to hear from you, whether through a phone call, letter or e-mail. Much love to you all!
I miss you! I'm glad that you're getting settled, though. Friends come with time. It took me awhile to make some good friends here. God will bring you just who you need at the right time! Hey, you found someone to play settlers with? You don't find that every day!
Wow, Jax looks a lot like you! Looking at your kids looks like Lennon and Diana in mini with reverse gender!
Love you lots and miss you!
YEAH! for Lydia! Sounds like Jackson is beginning to be aware of his abilities. Glad to hear that you guys are settling in and found a church.
The open house might get people to reach out more. I've been at NHCC now, three years, I think, and I'm still shy about reaching out. I think you guys have the gift of "reaching out." That might be a ministry to consider. Ever church needs this. The Lord will continue to give you reaching out ideas. Don't forget scrapbooking, that might be another avenue.
I didn't know that you guys liked Settlers. Jeni Adams learned Settlers her first year at college and taught it to her family and I how to play. Whenever I visit them, I try to get them to play a game with me, even though I never win. I must confess that I love playing games and look forward to playing games whenever the opportunity arises.
Winter is here says the Rochester weather. We had our Thanksgiving Dinner yesterday. I heard they had over a hundred people. Michaela went with the Schumans (our neighbor). Devotion in Motion was invited to participate in United we Dance at a church in Henrietta. We had a great time. The hosting church's dance group shared their last dance and then invited all the dancers up and we all danced to their music. It was awesome! It was a mixture of variety. It was a Christian jamming time. Some of this spilled over in church today to a song with the line, let your worship be different (something like that). It was a new song to me.
You probably heard that Kathy and Brian had their babies Timothy and Abigail. Abigail came home from the hospital last week Saturday. They were both in church last Sunday and today.
I pray that you guys will have a blessed Thanksgiving.
You are missed!
We love you!!!
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